Peter Taradash's “Scholarship Package” 2021

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Peter Taradash's “Scholarship Package” 2021

Post by LaurentG »

I sent you this so you can market my products. Keep 85% of the gross sales!
Scholarship Package, ”Peter Taradash's “Scholarship Package” 2021
Peter Taradash's “Scholarship Package” 2021
Iron Clad 100% guaranty of satisfaction or your money back!
Glad to hear from you!
Thanks a lot for your e-mail letter.
Wealthy people seldom if ever started out with the idea
"I will or want to make $1 million (or a billion -- whatever). “
• What do they start with?
They start with the idea of creating &/or
marketing some product or service.
Making deals.
Deals? This provides sellers with liquidity and buyers with things they want. Just reading & thinking about your goals, and not getting off your butt to do anything will make no difference in your life.
You need to get out into the real world & follow my advice...
Even then, only in a small minority of cases, does anyone make serious money on their first try-- Often you will get nothing except valuable experience. Experience? You will know what doesn't work . Then you will try a variant -- something else.
The important thing is to NEVER GIVE UP!
My book, Think Like A Tycoon would probably help you to become the richest person in your town -- in a few years. Nominally about property investing, it is actually about making deals as a way of life-- Getting into a lucrative occupation or profession by taking action immediately . It worked for my girlfriend of the last 30 years. She read my book, found a property that fit my specs, borrowed 100% of the cost from the seller, fixed it up, & sold it. She is now independently wealthy--It took persistence and over a year. But using my techniques, she made enough profit on one deal to never have to work again. Although nominally about real estate investing, the techniques explained in Think Like A Tycoon will help you to be successful in in any area of life.
To make her million in under 2 years, my girlfriend had the benefit of my books, my experience and my mistakes.
The fact is that over 90% of new businesses, new inventions, pioneering ideas or disruptions of the existing order of things fail. Why?
Because people without experience or role models don't have a clue about how things work in the real world--what it takes to sell things to others... Many people (including myself) got their original inspiration & instruction from biographies of successful tycoons & also "How to" books --Yes, books. What kind of books?

…BOOKS Like mine! The school of “hard knocks” is educational, but investing time and money into businesses doomed to failure or deals that can never make money is expensive and time-consuming.

There are better ways: What ways? Having a mentor, real or virtual (as in my books) for instance. Yes! I’m also available in person. I cost a lot more than my books. Yet they, the books and articles alone can help get you where you want to go.
Next: Almost nobody makes serious money by merely "passive investing." ... What’s that? Buying into those things “ schemes advertised by others. ”Like what? Money making schemes like “multi-level marketing.” The worst things are pure scams like “Binary Option Trading or any Ponzi schemes where big early payouts come from an expanding group of new members.
The few examples of people who blindly invested a small sum in crypto-currencies, stocks or rare coins and then profited immensely by timely selling amount to anomalies - Usually blind luck -- same as with lottery winners. The odds are not as bad with an established Crypto Currency but, why bother with pure gambles. Want to make money on what might be a fad? How to do it? Don’t be a prospector looking for the City of Gold –El Dorado. Be a dealer in something the prospectors or minors need. Provide a support service like “crypto wallets.” That’s OK. Again! Don’t be a prospector! Like Mr. Levi, sell blue jeans. picks and shovels to miners.
Stay away from Passive Investments! What that? It is where you don’t have control. Where you do anything except provide the money to be mismanaged and lost. The stock market, etc. is designed for those who want to lose their shirts, or at best, barely keep up with inflation! Read my article about the real return of the stock market investing over the last 100 years. It was very very disappointing.
I made big money in half a dozen separate businesses and in hundreds of deals. You can do the same with my guidance. Later in consulting I made interesting friends, new contacts, and still another small fortune.. Why? because I had valuable experience, I'd gained special expertise. I knew what I was doing, could teach my secrets to others and last but not least, was persistent at marketing. I was not put out of the game by failures or disappointments. If I could do it, you can do it! How to do it? Simple! Here comes one idea. Right here, right now.
The hundred house rule (as more fully explained) in my best selling book
→ Think Like A Tycoon. The short version: Spend a few months looking at 100 deals. Investigate & learn the local market well – before you invest time and money. Never pay retail. You will always make money on deals by buying distress property at well below market prices.
Read my books.
You will quickly learn how to be a big success in anything you do.
Can you make money "trading?" Yes! But only if you know enough to buy things at a price below what you can simultaneously sell them at. This is called "arbitrage." Mathematical algorithms or black boxes (provided by others) that make automatic decisions for you are scams. It is your own skills and the contacts you make that will eventually allow you to make profitable deals--over and over.
During my own progress as an entrepreneur and after I retired, I wrote extensively about my experiences. You can acquire ALL my best and most important “milestone” books for a mere pittance – (Euro 200), as explained here:
Please note that I am an 80+-year-old geezer with a portable PC. Mine is a one-man operation. So don’t assume you are dealing with a big outfit. I use a different pen name for whatever I write. Just to clear up any confusion, I either wrote, ghost wrote, or edited the all the books/reports described in my offer.
My annual escape from Monte Carlo's winter months takes me to warm places with palm trees & sunny weather every year. I’m often in SE Asia December to March most years-- For anyone who wants a personal consultation you’ll also find me in South America, Switzerland and France. Email me:
Note: As of the South American summer & winter of 2021 I am in & will remain stuck in the very pleasant city of Buenos Aires. I will be here till the borders open &planes and boats out are re-activated.

My books are the cheapest way to tap into my wisdom and experience. Prices below. If you can afford personal coaching, The Price for 2 years unlimited personal consultations with me is Euro € 15K. Sample one day is Euro €1000. [The 1000 is Deductible from the larger fee if you decide to go for the unlimited mentoring]. I can come to you (most places) if you pay for my round trip & accommodations.
Hopefully, my experiences and "how to" books may be of help to you. “ Do-it-Yourself” (from the advice in my books) is way cheaper than personal guidance by me. I will only give personal guidance to people who have read and understood the books. Normally, my personal consulting clients make more than enough extra money (using my tips and contact) to cover my fees. But the books alone are worthwhile --ONLY if you will actually use the information.
You can get immediate delivery by digital download-usually on the same day as you pay. Pay Pal is preferred since it is cheaper and faster than most alternatives (bank transfers/Western Union). I will however accept Bitcoin or most cyber-currencies.
Many of my readers are not flush with cash. If you are among that less-than-happy group I will give you a special "Scholarship" (just made that up just for you!)… What’s that?
You can/will get my best books, reports & goodies at a 90% discount package deal,. Plus, many freebies
I will immediately send you many useful books & reports about making money written earlier in my life for only List price? Euro 2000.
Discount Scholarship Package deal for you
only -Euro €200.
Included? Life changing material for you.
• Portable Trades & Occupations,
• Think Like A Tycoon
• Assorted “reports & articles”
• BBBB and much, much more . . .
1. They focus on enjoying life more, HOW TO MAKE money ---Some additional writings came later & they are also included in the €200 deal ... Best of all you also get one $3000 value personal email consultation with me -no additional cost.
My longest book, the 3 volume (yet easy reading) Bye Bye Big Brother was written after I had made more than enough to retire in great comfort ... It is included! It's about leaving your home country for greener pastures abroad. No additional cost. It is included with the E200 Scholarship Package, ”Peter Taradash's “Scholarship Package” 2021
2. PTO (Portable Trades) is for Poverty Petes-
People just starting out to make their mark –those wanting fame & fortune.
The BBBB (bye Bye Big Brother) books are more for those who have serious assets already and want to get away from regulations, lawsuits, ex-spouses, and things they don't like, etc.
Still, I am sure there are secrets & ideas in BBBB that will help you to make more money and preserve the capital you have...

I understand that you probably don't have a lot of cash to spare. That’s why you get this-- my special "Scholarship Offer".
I will send you all of my best stuff for a 90% discount, just send me a total of €200 (net to me) via pay pal.
Let me know by email if you want to order this package.
My pay pal address is below . If you need a Crypto Wallet, just ask!
My mailing address here [] is NOT my pay pal address.
My PayPal address is
Take advantage of this offer and change your life!
Upon receipt of your intentions, I will be happy to immediately dispatch an incredible package of goodies & surprises to you for only €200 total (net to me after any charges) This is the package deal:
BBBB, €200 alone, Portable Trades & Occupations, €200 alone; Think Like A Tycoon €200 alone I will include for free with any book purchase, assorted other goodies, ( worth well over €3250) plus later, you will get (for free) my email reply to any questions you may have --- after you have read and started to implement my material.
For my American buyers: For your information, a Euro € is usually worth slightly more than a U$A dollar. After I send your stuff out (usually same day as funds received) & after you have used my ideas, I will look forward to hearing how things worked out for you. During your road to riches, I will answer any questions you have.
I don't ever send out my goodies "free." WHY?
Because recipients who pay nothing;
value what they receive at exactly what they pay!
If you have spent at least €200, you will read and probably act on (and benefit from) this extremely valuable information.
My reasoning is that I believe you'll apply my good ideas seriously only if you have paid some serious money for them! If you want only Think Like A Tycoon (how to get rich in real estate), that would be €200 to me via pay pal. I suggest you ask for my “scholarship package” at the same price & get the extra €3000+ worth of goodies for free. Or go for my €1000 package deal and you'll have enough ideas and profitable projects to last two lifetimes.
I am sure you will get enough new ideas & motivation to act on the information you get from me. The real worth of the €200 package is at least 20 times the price.
Looking forward to hearing from you --- Then, in a few months, getting the news of how you are doing! I will then answer a few questions for you -- if you have any! Book buyers can also ask for and get (no additional cost) my extensive questionnaire and the guidance that goes with it.
Pay Pal has bigger charges (to YOU) when you purchase something “commercial,” and smaller charges when you designate your payment as a “gift” or repayment of debt -- Anything but a commercial purchase. How you handle is up to you. It's no big deal, only a few € either way.
I need €200 net of charges... Bitcoin or other crypto-currencies are accepted.
My pay pal address for the €200
Use it when you decide to order my “Scholarship Package.”
Take the next step to wealth!
I will send your Scholarship Package Deal to you
on the same day as the Euro 200 (net!) payment received.
You need to add a small PayPal charge.

Good luck!

Other books for other markets (full package deal for all my books with personal consultations in person or on Skype, etc. Euro €1000.)

How to Get into Heaven, Guaranteed
How to end your life quickly and painlessly
How to make Money without a Boss in Your own Side business (Portable Trades & Opportunities)
How to Get a 2nd Passport & why you should
Understanding Bitcoin and Crypto-Currencies /
/alternate title/ How to make your fortune in Bitcoin and Crypto-Currencies /
How I made €30 million Tracing Missing Heirs & How you can do the same.
Plus, All the above & Dozens of other “how to” books /“Special Reports”
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