The Ultimate Plan For Escaping Big Brother's Matrix And Creating Your Own Freedom And Wealth

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The Ultimate Plan For Escaping Big Brother's Matrix And Creating Your Own Freedom And Wealth

Post by LaurentG »

This is probably one of the best ebook I read about personal freedom and online business. It is no longer available online since years.
Since I have a copy of the latest version, I decided to get it available online again. If you like the free content available on this website, you'll very likely enjoy reading this ebook too.

Here is a preview of what you'll find inside it :



The Freedom Blueprint is a comprehensive step-by-step strategy for achieving personal and
financial freedom. But it’s much more than that. It’s also a complete mind and attitude
revolution, to get you thinking and acting in a totally different way.

I take the view that ideas have consequences, and that in order to achieve a specific outcome
(like personal and financial freedom), you first need the appropriate mindset. Our present
lives are the result of our past thinking. To change our future lives, we need to change our
present thinking. This e-book is designed to do just that, in five important steps.

Step 1: Set Your Mind Free
Here I disclose the 8 Deadly Delusions that conspire to enslave you - the 8 habitual ways of
thinking that you need to challenge and reassess if you want to be truly free.

Step 2: Set Your Imagination Free
Here I disclose why the internet changes the rules of the game, and how it represents the
most powerful tool for freedom you will ever get your hands on.

Step 3: Set Your Creative Spirit Free
Here I disclose why there is an endless supply of money just waiting for you to tap into - and
the tool that gives you access to it.

Step 4: Set Your Life Free
Here I disclose a step-by-step strategy to propel you forward to your desired goal of personal
and financial freedom - to build your own world of freedom and wealth.

Step 5: Set Your Inner Entrepreneur Free
Here I disclose the most powerful strategy for boosting your personal and financial freedom,
by creating a portable online business.

Much of what you read in this report may challenge your existing beliefs, so I ask that you
proceed with an open mind, and leave your final judgment until the end.

All parts of this blueprint form an integrated whole, so I suggest you read it from beginning to
end, rather than piecemeal. Certainly it is my wish that in reading this e-book your eyes will
be opened to new ways of thinking, new ways of plugging into the limitless global economy,
and new ways to make the money you need to fulfil your personal dreams.


STEP 1: Set Your Mind Free

Escape The Slave Matrix

How to Break Free of The 8 Deadly Delusions That Enslave

Have you ever asked yourself the question: "Why are things the way they are?" Have you
ever got angry at the status quo - the stupidity, the injustice and the inertia? More importantly,
have you ever tried to take off your cultural spectacles and view the world anew?

It's certainly hard to do, if not near impossible for most people. And there's a good reason
why. Our view of the world, and our relationship to it, is shaped by the world as it is - not
how it could be. It is shaped by our genes, our family environment, our education, and the
culture we grow up within - whatever nation or ethnicity. We are the product of the given,
the existent, the accepted norm. Our traditional thinking is therefore a product of our past.

But imagine you were a visiting alien from another planet, looking at the behaviour of
humans and pondering on the meaning of it all. Your alien self would not be hidebound by
earthly history, traditions, morality, politics, economics or education, but instead be free to
view things as they really are, and see where we've gone wrong and where we could do

Trouble is, even imagining ourselves as alien is fraught with difficulties, because we find it
extraordinarily difficult to think outside the square we have been born into.


As a bonus, and to give you an idea of the personal freedom content it has, and also to not get annoyed
by people complaining about "fake news" and "conspiracy theory", I also add as a free preview a bonus about the 9th Deadly Delusion.
This one wasn't added to this ebook, but as part of a separate report by the same author. I've read all of them,
and I'd say the freedom blueprint is the summary of all of them. Why wasn't it added in the freedom blueprint in the first place, I've no idea.

Of course, there is no guarantee you'll have a successful online business after reading it (nobody can guarantee this). But think about it,
if you are just doing what everybody else does, you'll very likely get the same results than everybody else. And you're certainely not the first guy who went on google, and searched "How to make money online", especially since the last lockdown that was forced up on you by your governement.

Ok, let's start with the bonus content available for free now. Freedom, Science, and Health are discussed, but don't worry, I won't annoy you about covid19 vaccines controversy, or about alternative medicine. Lots of content about both are already available online for free anyway.


9th Deadly Delusion

The Global Catastrophe Conspiracy

Just as war is a tool of control there are other strategies a state can employ to foster fear
as a means of such control. The two most common, after the fear of war, are the fear
of epidemics and the fear of natural disasters. And both of these potential threats are
played to the hilt.

In 2009 it was the year of the “swine flu” - which the World Health Organisation
declared to be an epidemic. This resulted in various governments spending millions
of dollars on vaccination programmes and running TV adverts to create a sense of
panic. People around the world were seen wearing face masks to ward off the nasty
virus and airports were screening people upon arrival - then rushing them off to
quarantine if their temperatures were a little high.

All this may sound logical until you consider some of the facts. This Swine Flu was a
variant of common seasonal flu - a flu that already kills thousands of people each
year without much of a fanfare. Not only that, but most reported cases indicated that
the symptoms of this flu were usually milder than the seasonal variety. Add to that it
was targeting younger people rather than the frail and elderly and you have a
situation which is more contrived than real.

But there is always a payoff in such potential panics. If a serious epidemic occurs
then people expect the government to “do something”. And it will. It will happily
enforce compulsory quarantine, compulsory vaccines and a host of other emergency
measures, if it can play a situation for all its worth. And just like war, a health
catastrophe can be used to consolidate power, to bring in new laws (that never seem
to get repealed) and use the “emergency” situation to further herd people in virtual
and even real slave pens.

The other potential catastrophe of note is “Global Warming” or “Climate Change”, as
it has come to be known. The so-called science behind this suggests that we humans
are largely responsible for such warming and that the only solution is to curb our
industrial activity and tax us even more. And of course the solution is government
action. And not just any government action but a coordinated global action involving
all nation states - in the way of a “world” government action.

Why do I say “so-called” science? Because those scientists who are largely
responsible for creating this global panic are paid by the state. They are not
independent scientists but political scientists - those whose livelihoods depend on
state sponsorship by way of grants and the like. And the only way for these scientists
to keep the money flowing, those grants coming, is to produce data that satisfies their
sponsors - the various governments of the world.

This catastrophe conspiracy is however a little different from others. Firstly it is
global in nature, which suggests the need for a global response. Secondly it is driven
by science - albeit science bought and paid for by the state. This fear of global
warming/climate change is driving an international effort to coordinate a response
that is potentially quite frightening in its implications. For in order to tackle a
problem of this nature, you not only “need” government, but a very big government.
A world government. A government of governments, one that can force all the other
governments to toe the line.

Sure, there may be global warming - although there are plenty of scientists (not on the
government payroll) who disagree - and there is no doubt climate change, as there
always has been throughout history. But to assert that mankind is the ultimate culprit
and to use that dubious conclusion as a battering ram to force in a new global
governance regime surely smacks of conspiracy, and even fraud, on a large scale.

The truth is, science is nowhere near as certain and any contrived and globally
coordinated response to such a panic, when the causes are not fully known, can only
be seen as a politically motivated power grab of historic proportions.


So here it is. You now have a good idea of what kind of content this book will have.
No annoying DRM locked content file. You'll get a PDF version of this book that can be read offline
without restrictions on your devices.

You can get the PDF here for 20 eur. Please note that tax is not included, and may vary depending of your country. Example : For my country, added tax is about 1 eur. You'll get the price including the tax before ordering. Once ordered and paid, you'll get an immediate access to the ebook :

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